Sunday, January 22, 2012


been ages since i last updated my blog.
things are getting difficult.
long distance r/s isnt easy to maintain.
sometimes i really wonder how people do it..

honestly, i dunno how much he loves me..
n i dunno if he truly loves me for who i am.
or perhaps he just wanna transform me into someone he likes..
if thats the case, whats the point of going out with me?

im tired.. just as much as hes tired of my behaviour..
he always think im the one at the fault.. but he never tries to understand from my point of view..
he wants me to explain to him .. but whats there to explain when he always thinks hes right.. n draw his own conclusion about me.. i just think its very unfair..

he wants me to work hard for him..
but what has he done for me?
has he ever work really hard for me?
why is it always me doing the hardwork.. n what do i get in return? .. a bunch of criticisms that i hate listening.....yucks...

life sucks

n sometimes i think he sucks too

Friday, September 2, 2011



不管我做什么 你都觉得不够好
为什么你总是要改变我 我就那么烂吗
如果那么烂 当初就不要选我
我可没有 逼你和我在一起
你说你爱我 又说有一天可能会对我感到厌倦
如果你做不到 那就还给我自由吧
说实在的 我开始觉得累了
所以不要把我绑得太紧 那样会让我想要更早离开你

Thursday, August 11, 2011

day 21

oppa n i have been together for only 21 days.. but we had about 6 arguments already.
i really dont like it when we argue.. its so annoying :S
but hes really nice n sweet to me.. taught me how to take care of my skin, gave me uv protection, oil removal sheets, bought me day cream n stuff.. cooked super yummy korean food for me.. hes really a great cook ;)
i hope everyday we r happy together n dont fight so often.. cos sometimes the arguments make me wanna give up everything...
may god bless us.. i hope we can live happily ever after

Saturday, July 30, 2011


22 July - our <3 started. had dinner at lygon st. u said "i have something for u" n i was like "where is it? give me.." hahahaha. sorry for being so straightforward lol. after dinner, u drove me to st kilda, chilled for abit, then we went to ur place to watch movie.

23 July - stayed over at your place. you made breakfast for me :) so sweet awww. n we went to box hill to buy ingredients for hotpot.. n i forgot to buy the soup basee LOL. had hotpot with mimi n sam at my place..u made delicious korean rice cake n kimchi~~!!! u said the hotpot was so good.. n i agreed. we played texas poker after that.. 4 of us finished 5 bottles of soju.. we r so good lol.

24 July - had a fight in the morning, u came to meet me after school.

25 July - you finished school early, told me u wanna come to my place.. n i was like ''why..'' n u changed ur mind, told me u r going home instead.. but after awhile, u appeared at my doorstep :) <3 y r u always so nice to me ~~ we watched hachi at my place, then went to ur neighbourhood to chill for abit. after that, i went to joey's place.. n we sorta had a fight that night.. =.=

27 July - had hotpot with ur housemates, mari n max :) u made kiwi soju~~~ hahaha u sent me home by bus ~ n slept over at mine ~~

27 July

我们才在一起5天 就已经吵了两次
我就知道会这样 我的自由就这样离我远去
我不喜欢你告诉我 我什么可以做 什么不可以做
我不喜欢你那么说我的朋友 而且我不会为了你失去任何朋友
要是你在一直这样逼我的话 我怕我会受不了
你不要管我管得太严 难道你不知道 你越是在乎 你会越快失去 不要逼我做出那种决定
要是你真的喜欢我 就给我一点空间吧

Friday, July 22, 2011

16 july (sat)- met up with faye for lunch @ big mama, told her how nervous i was about the date later in the afternoon. went to faye's new place in the city.. chilled for abit.. n went to meet terry at 3pm in melb central. walked around in the city.. he brought me to brunetti near flinders... ordered ice coffee, he ordered latte.. after that we walked for abit @ the bridges near crown.. had dinner at this posh korean restaurant.. called "gong" pretty gd food.. korean bbq, kimchi soup, dumplings n stuff.. went to chaplin after that, sang for an hour.. n drank ko jim gam lei. n guess what, we bumped into jonson, bernard, derrick n jenny.. n they were kinda surprised to see me n terry together lol. was so tipsy after drinking. n kept calling him ''oppa oppa.. lol.'' n i told him not to do anything to me lol. went to his place to pick up his car n he drove me home from there. held my hand while driving.. it was a pretty gd feeling.. but..... i only liked him a tiny bit that day

17 july (sun)- he came to pick me up from my place, went to the beach near his place at mentone. the scenery was beautiful, with ships at the jetty .. it was a windy day.. went to a cafe nearby for hot chocolate.. n it was back to the same topic abt his feelings for me.. n i felt the pressure.. wasnt feeling too good that night.. though i know he has tried his best.. he sent me to the station, cos i was going to the city to celebrate michael's bday with the rest. he waited with me at the station.. he hugged me.. but my heart didnt skip a beat.. n i wasnt enjoying the moment cos i kept checking the time

18 july (mon)- he came to box hill to have dinner with me... went to sut n wine.. i felt better on this day.. we talked things out n everything seemed great ;) started to have feelings for him~

Monday, July 18, 2011


最近比较烦 我不清楚我要什么 可是你一直在催我做决定
我认识你不久 你要我怎么一口答应
其实我不知道 我是真的喜欢你 还是空虚而已
我希望你不要太认真 你会把我吓坏的
如果你没对我那么好 可能我会更加喜欢你
男人犯贱 女人也一样犯贱 大家都喜欢比较难得到的东西
你现在对我那么好 要是我拒绝你 感觉我好坏哦
可是我有一点想要尝试 但是我不能保证我可以跟你在一起很久
我承认我有想要玩的心态 可能我很自私 但是我更怕自己受伤害
我不想像以前那样 那么白痴 我不想再输了
别对我有太大的期望 不然失望会更大的

Friday, July 8, 2011

the month of july

1st july - went to watch transformers with joey n her friends. the movie is pretty awesome ;) after that, we went to sing karaoke~~ till 4am.. n we sent joey's korean friend-terry- straight to the airport cos he was going back to korea for hols.

2nd july - celebrated estelle's birthday at the regency (near southern cross station) the food was delicious.. after that we went to chaplin to drink. n most of them got really drunk.. for once, i wasn't lol. after that, we went to estelle's bf-zack's place to chill. i was super hyper,v jumpy n lunatic lol.

3rd july - zack's housemate-jacob- added me on fb n gave me his no. n we chatted on the phone for 1 hr+. i thought he was weird -.=

4th july - terry sent me a pretty sweet private msg on fb - “Hey Jonna :) how r u doing? Is Melbourne alright? No problems without me? :( lol. I just wanna tell u this... Um... I don't no why I am missing u ... Sorry I know it is so sudden but I just don't wanna hide my feeling! ;( Take care n I hope to see u soon... ”

5th july - i organised a karaoke session - 6 ppl turned up.. we sang so much, n i got tired n hungry. jacob sat there for 5 hrs without singing -.= after that we went to rosegarden for dinner n monga for dessert cos joey kept saying she was hungry LOL. she had a huge appetite that night ;) jacob had to leave early, i wondered y he walked towards me when the exit was on the other side.. n joey told me that jacob wanted to give me a hug, but all i did was waved back n said 'bye bye'

i got home that night, went to mimi's room to chat with her. jacob was pestering me on fb.. i told him ''ttyl, talking to my housemate'' n he was like ''talk to me, im more impt'' -.= but i ignored him n continued talking to mimi. after finished talking to her, i went on fb again.. n he started telling me abt his sad childhood n stuff.. n saying that gals r all stupid, cos they fall for bad guys. he told me not to believe in what guys say.. words r just words -.= it sorta ruined my excitement .. cos i was hoping that the korean n me would somehow work out.. affected me so much that i couldnt sleep. i told jacob that he shld go to sleep.. but he still texted me after he went offline..

jacob: o yeh n fuck u too. na jk. thanks for listening to my rant

me: but am never gonna fuck u =X lol no worries man. hope u feel better

jacob: well ur cat needs stroking i can stroke it for u

me: =.=! stop it

jacob: lol just saying. i would love to fuck u

me: u shld sleep now. am tired too. good night

jacob: lol u r too shy. u mention abt it. when i ask u straight u blush

me: aiya whatever man. am tireddd ahhhh

jacob: i can tell u want sex

me: depending on who tho. can u just sleep... ahhh.. getting annoying

jacob: u can sleep. just dont reply. i just wanna know y u hold sex so dearly

me: i will regret if i do it with someone i dont like

jacob: fair enough. then like me :P

jacob: or do u want me to go through all the lovey dovey bullshit

me: u r forcing me to be straightforward eh... hmmm.. all i can say is.. i will never ever fuck u....


8 july - went to Sugar hair salon to colour my hair n cut my fringe.. now its dark red :) love it to bits. tommy, sam n hanearl came over to my house to chill.. showed tommy what the msg terry sent me .. n he was like ''he just wanna fuck u'' ......
................... sigh......... now i dunno what to do................ im getting affected by what others r telling me. should i just follow my heart n stop thinking so much????? arghhhh

follow my heart or follow my mind?

我不知道该怎么办好 follow my heart or follow my mind?
难道我就不能给自己一次机会 什么都不想 让自己陶醉在其中
人家说过程比结果重要 但我还没开始 就已经失去了过程

Sunday, June 19, 2011


是要求太高 还是太害怕了
我也不知道 不知道 不知道~~~~~

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


突然好想家 在这里一个人 很多时候都感觉好无助、好寂寞
虽然有朋友 可是他们毕竟不是我的亲人 也不能对他们要求太多
家人会无微不至地照顾我 并且不会要求任何回报
即使吵架、斗嘴 闹得怎么不开心 到最后还是会和好
在这里 什么都要靠自己 有时真的觉得即使我在这里死掉了 也不会有人发觉到
朋友有好多 可是知心的朋友就没几个
人都是自私的 有时你觉得你对他们好 他们好像也没把它当一回事
然后之后 你就会觉得做好自己的本分就行了 不用多管闲事 反正你有困难的时候 可能他们也不会出现
就有一种 ‘好事一起分享 坏事你自己承担吧’的感觉

Saturday, April 2, 2011

这世界很大 我却那么渺小

虽然周围有好多人 但内心却装了满满的空虚

回到家以后 更觉得这世界上 好像只有我一个人

很多时候 真的觉得好无助 好寂寞

可是当人家想帮助我的时候 我却总是拒人于千里之外

也许我觉得接受别人的帮助会把自己变得更可怜 更可笑 更脆弱

我不喜欢依赖人 我想靠自己 让自己学会坚强一点

这世界很大 我却那么渺小

别人看不到我 我却只看得到他们

认识了好多新的朋友 偶尔在他们身上 我会看到其他朋友的影子

人生就是那么残酷 该来的来 该走的也走了

我总是跟在人家的背后 看着他们的背影远远离去

是我走得太慢 还是你们消失得太快 怎么我总是跟不上你们的脚步

Sunday, March 27, 2011


omg omg omg

2 days in a row... i did stuff i've never done b4, i went to places i've never been to. so exciting, yet embarrassing at the same time

i'm kinda reluctant to share everything here.. hahahahah maybe i'll tell u guys if i see u

but anyway a bunch of white ppl saved me from the toilet at southern cross station. i was puking n lying on the floor.. n they sent me home on a cab.. opened the door for me, n put me into bed.. n even put the rubbish bin beside my bed so that i can puke. they r so nice!!! they missed the last train cos of me too..

i realised i sprained my ankle when i woke up in the morning.. heard that i fell twice yesterday night! i didnt even rmb how i fell hahaha. n its swollen now.. lucky no broken bones.. but i have to walk on crutches for 2 weeks. kinda sucks lol

well it has been a hilarious weekend... felt as though i acted in the movie 'harold n kumar' HAHAHAHAHAAA crazinessss!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

live now

finally.....i know how to cook! ;)yay!

been spending too much time alone... maybe thats y im going nuts..
but i dunno y i have to be around ppl all the time


i wanna do something different... n be different :D

life's gonna get better

live now n be happy :)

Monday, March 21, 2011


当我醉得什么都看不清楚的时候。。。 在我记忆里的你 我看得最清楚


一旦靠得太近 就会慢慢疏远
保持一个距离 也许会好一点
已经失去太多 不想再失去了
好害怕被遗弃 好害怕被忘记

Friday, February 25, 2011

crazy week!

i didnt update my blog for ages.

haha. been having lotsa fun. trying to make full use of my last week of hols.

had a pretty crazy week.
last friday - went clubbing @ neverland with joey n friends

tues - went shopping with joey, violet, michael n keith. then went drinking with keith n his friends at a friend's house. joey came later. n everyone got so drunk. n my dress got torn.. n there was this slit at the back.. so i asked them if they have needle n thread cos i wanted to sew it. imagine, everyone was like so damn drunk, n they were trying so hard to help me put that thread into the needle hahahahah. pretty funny eh. they went like "let me do it, am sure i can do this" LOL.

thurs- went to sing k with joey, faye, benson, michael, natalie n her bf, stephanie n vanessa. quite fun. sang from 3pm-8pm hahahah

am so sleepy now. gonna zzz. neverland again tmr~!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

faye 写的太好,太经典了~所以想分享一下

quoted from faye's blog on renren

这是写给你看的。 把我所不能表达的,用我的文字说给你听。

首先,听一首韩文歌吧,叫Time To Love (TTL) by T-ara and Supernova。

















开玩笑才叫你反面教材的。 父母不理解我的感情,至少我希望,现在懂得爱了的你能够理解。




































幸福啊。 你一定一定一定一定一定要幸福。




Friday, December 17, 2010

2010 back in sg!

asam fish cooked by mummy.. yummy!!!


2 dec- bah kut teh @ clarke quay

@one of the pubs in clarke quay


4 dec - soup spoon @ion with kelly. kelly gave me a treat! awesomeness~


tcc with kelly ;)

5 dec- go karting with sean n violet. then met up with yaohuang for dinner at amk. crab bee hoon is super nice!!




7 dec - shopping with niao @ bugis village. then we decided to chill @coffee bean in iluma without buying any drink =X lol


8 dec - @phuture with all this people ;)





7 dec - met up with sophia @ion. she gave me a treat!! ramen~ yummy! thanks sophia~!! :)



10 dec- yoshinoya with tian @marina square




then went to donut factory @suntec. NO PHOTOGRAPHY PLS! oops=X

10 dec - dinner with poly friends @chomp chomp. the best place ever for good food! love hokkien mee, sambal stingray, bbq chicken, fried oyster etc.



then we went to sing k @cuppage. cheap family karaoke place! woohoo~





HAHAHA!and.... jx is.... the geisha~~~ sexy *wink wink


Wednesday, December 15, 2010


过了就过了 之后一切就只剩下回忆
没有一个人 会开心一辈子
没有一个人 会伤心一辈子
要怎么看待生活 要怎么面对人生
想笑就开心地笑 想哭就大声地哭